Upcoming Events

Leadercast: DeliberateU Edition

Leadercast is a valuable, intensive, inspiring one-day, live leadership event that is designed for leaders in a variety of different walks of life and roles.

Register Now May 10, 2019 @ Grace Christian Fellowship, 35 Farley Rd, Fergus, ON

What's Included

  • Full-day of world-class leadership speakers
  • Snacks and Full Lunch
  • Journal + Event Materials
  • DeliberateU Facilitated: Team Discussion and Action Plan - helping your team take what they learned into the workplace.

Take the opportunity to invest in your team. Show them that you truly value them and want to help them grow. Help them remove themselves from their normal work environment; it will free them up to learn and be inspired. 

The change of scenery often ignites creativity and helps leaders look at their businesses and lives in a different light. We believe spending time with attendees, vendors and experts, plus a staff whose only focus is to ensure you have a deeper level of engagement, creates a life-changing experience.

Click here to learn more about the global conference.

Why attend Leadercast?

  • GET INSPIRED: soak in the brilliance of world-class speakers
  • GET EQUIPPED: discover practical tools to build your team
  • GET CLARITY: identify key takeaways to grow
  • GET CONNECTED: network with other leaders and teams 
  • GET MOTIVATED: accelerate your leadership journey

Team Tickets (4+persons) $110

Single tickets are $130

Register Now