BUSINESS SERVICES / Vision, Values & People

You're only as good as your purpose and people.

Providing clarity of purpose, vision, and values, we help you align, equip and grow your team.  So unified, you can propel forward.

Rowing in the same direction?

Does your business have clarity or do decisions often result in disconnects, conflict, or even resentment?  Are you all rowing in the same direction?  What is your purpose and the reason your business even exists?

Rowing in the same direction?

Does your business have clarity or do decisions often result in disconnects, conflict, or even resentment?  Are you all rowing in the same direction?  What is your purpose and the reason your business even exists?

We help get you aligned.

We help you shape a shared vision and common framework for decision-making and grow leaders.  In doing so, your team thrives under clarity and opportunities they didn’t think were possible!

We help get you aligned.

We help you shape a shared vision and common framework for decision-making and grow leaders.  In doing so, your team thrives under clarity and opportunities they didn’t think were possible!


The vision statement should paint a clear, simple and inspiring picture for the future.  It answers the question on why you do what you do.  More importantly, it's outward focused.  It breathes life and value into the lives of others.

This broad roadmap is the leaders' shared vision of the future he or she believes comes from their purpose before God - if you choose to let Him guide all your ways (Proverbs 3:5-6). When it comes from Him, it is more than a dream.

If the leadership does not convey its vision clearly and confidently, others might not commit (they may only comply) and might not be dedicated to achieving it.  Those whom you will employ must understand and buy in to your vision so they can focus on and work to it diligently.

MISSION (Purpose)

To clarify the vision, the business needs a mission. The mission shows broadly the purpose of the organization. It answers two questions. First, “why is the owner doing this?”  Second, “how does the owner intends to carry out the vision?"

Your mission is more of the 'what' and 'how'.  It helps your team connect to what they do day-in, day-out according to your values and goals.


Values are ethical guidelines which the business subscribes to and is committed to following in every situation.

Leadership will stress in the values’ statement that it is irrelevant how difficult a task might be. Everybody must do what’s right no matter the results. The basis of what's right and true is God's design for you. Values could include respect for individuals and families, trust, integrity, transparency, caring, excellence and rigour, good stewardship and right accountability.

Why is this critical for growth?
  1. Align and strengthen people/culture through a unified sense of purpose
  2. Provides guidance and and focus on what's important
  3. Gives employees a better perspective on how they contributes to goals, increasing engagement, retention and productivity
  4. Attracting/engaging/retaining talent
  5. Equips people to better make decisions and navigate change, thereby lessening resistance and workplace conflict

Finally, well implemented vision, mission and values answers four vital questions every organization faces:

  • What it does
  • Who it does it for
  • How it does it
  • Why it matters
"Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion."  - Jack Welch


We will walk alongside you for transformation*

  • Program customized and focused on what is most important to you 
  • Challenging exercises designed to stretch you and prepare you for growth
  • A tested & proven process that is both challenging and fun
  • Practical, actionable help
  • Clarity on next steps
  • Recognizable results for both your organization and for you personally
* Members own their commitment to the work, new habits and follow-through needed to drive the results.  This includes: showing up to meetings, doing the weekly updates and reviews, regularly connecting with God and doing their homework to move the needle.


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What kind of leader are you?

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