Get Rid Of The Nice Suggestions … . .

This Is Required!!

It’s interesting watching themes that unfold as one goes about their week. Multiple times I have had conversations with Mavericks and their leaders regarding the roadwork required to:

  1. Invite a team member to choose an attitude that is aligned with the values of the company.
  2. Follow through on a deliverable for a project.
  3. Keep promises to him/herself, family member or friend.

Running Roadwork

In May I wrote about moving past the idea of asking the question of whether or not you and I want to win. The real question for each of us is…


Your willingness to do what is needed, at that time, is the leadership moment which moves you towards or away from what is essential. In that moment, you are deciding if doing what is needed is required of you – or not!

Upon reflection, I heard a consistent theme attempting to rob these Mavericks of being able to engage in doing the work needed for them to “win”. The theme was one of “try”, “intention”, “hoping to” or “when I get a chance”.

Because of a “try” mindset, these leaders found themselves tempted to make decisions that were less than best for everyone. Thankfully, they each chose differently and moved themselves and others to what was best for all involved.

As much as we prefer this mindset of “try” to be enough for success, it is not! A shift in thinking is needed.

You and I need to move to a mindset of require.

In a Star Wars film, Luke Skywalker is bemoaning his lack of ability to leverage the “force” and raise his Fighter plane out of the mud. His mentor, master Yoda, is coaching him in the moment. Watch the clip and listen for the language of “try”. Listen for the mindset shift the coach invites him into.

Luke & Yoda

The mindset of the Maverick leader is not one of “try” but one of “do”; of doing what is required!! The Maverick leader knows that they will make many mistakes as they pursue doing what their Father is requiring of them. They know they will…


For the Maverick, the voice-in-the-head sounds like this, “Knowing I will make ongoing mistakes, with God helping me and going before me, here is what is required of me”…

  1. (For the married men reading this) I will love my wife the way Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. (Eph 5:25 NLT)
  2. My house and my business will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)
  3. I will love Him, and love people as I grow in my capacity to love myself. (Matt 22: 34-40 NLT)
  4. I will, as much as it is up to me, make every effort to live in peace with my family, my team, my customers and my suppliers. (Rom 12:18 NLT)
  5. I will grow in my ability to not operate with worry and anxiety. I choose to take every thought captive and enter into the “peace that passes all understanding” offered to me by Christ. (Phil 4:6-7 NIV & 2 Cor 10:5 NIV)
  6. I will put into practice the things that God is asking me to do. (Phil 4:9 NLT)
  7. I will fix my thoughts on things that God would have for me rather than the “stinkin thinkin” the world would have for me. (Phil 4:8 NLT)
  8. I will put my roots down deep into Him (Jeremiah 17:7-8) and enjoy the abundant fruit of His spirit blessing me and those around me. (Galatians 5:22-23)
  9. I will not conform to the patterns of this world as I lead my business, my home and myself. Instead, I will continually renew my mind in Christ so that He can transform me from the inside out. (Romans 12:1-2 NLT)

As a Maverick, you do not lead yourself and others from the space of “try” or “nice suggestions”. You operate with Kingdom clarity and conviction that you will be God’s man or woman in your home, business and community. You know full well that your own desire to be in control, to be your own god, will be “like a lion waiting to devour you”. In spite of your own compulsions, and the lure of the world around you, you are committed to Christ who has called you to a different place.

From what place are you leading yourself and others – nice suggestions or require?

A Maverick Application:

  1. Choose to slow down and reflect on Psalm 19:7-14.
  2. Pray and ask the One who made you to reveal where you may have been living life at work and/or at home as a “try”.
  3. What is God asking of you?
  4. Are you willing to do it – to require it of yourself?
  5. Who can you ask to help support you?
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