How “W-SMART” Are Your Goals?

6 Questions To Help You Deliver On Your Goals!

As January moves steadily forward, I suspect that many continue to muse about changes needed at work, home, or personally.

Some of you might already have been pulled into the vortex of an unforgiving pace of life. You may even be telling yourself that the resolutions and goals for the New Year are just a pipe dream!


“Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5 NLT

Download Your “W-SMART” Assessment 

Last week I wrote about one of the biggest reasons blocking people from achieving their goals. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to do so. Discovering the “Why” is crucial when tapping into the needed motivation and energy for follow through and delivery of promised goals to yourself and others!

The 2nd biggest reason people don’t follow through is that the goal is not “designed” well! It really is wishful thinking in its structure. The goal needs to be “W-SMART”.

Running Roadwork

The reason for “W-SMART” goals is EXECUTION! It’s about creating the framework for follow through. It’s about doing the roadwork. It’s about getting it done!

“I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.” Philippians 3:13-14 MSG

Download Your“W-SMART” Assessment 

Here are 6 questions to help ensure your goals are “W-SMART”.

  1. W – What’s Possible?  Learning to ask this question, before setting a goal, was a game changer for me. It can be the same for you. This question is tied to the “why” of your goal. Be willing to dream and envision what’s possible in the area you know you need to change.

To “right-size” your dream, ask, “As I consider “What’s Possible”, what:

  • Pressures do I need to account for that will implicate my goal?
  • Risks do I need to account for that will implicate my goal?
  • What resources will I need to help ensure success?

Now set your goal! Use the following framework to guide you.

  1. S – Specific?   With goals, generic is not your friend. Be as specific as possible, ensuring a clear target.
  1. M – Measurable?  If you can’t measure it – you can’t manage it. I learned this along time ago. It is still true today.
  1. A – Agreed Upon?  It is an error to set goals to the exclusion of those around you who are impacted by that goal. They need to be included in the process with you.
  1. R – Realistic?  In context, it needs to be realistic. Saying you will run an under 4-minute mile by March 1st, 2016 when you haven’t put on a pair of running shoes for 25 years is just not realistic!
  1. T – Time Bound?  By when will you have delivered on your goal?

These 6 questions create the conditions for more consistent follow through on your goals. I have found that I am far more successful in achieving goals when I set them in the context of the “W-SMART” standards.

Download Your“W-SMART” Assessment 

Here are a few examples in which this framework has produced fruit in my own life:

  • Regular connection and growing intimacy with Christ.
  • Identifying deliverable revenue targets per month which are needed to make our business model work.
  • Ensuring that my wife, Cathy, and I continue to grow as one in Christ, increasing our capacity to live life well and having FUN together.
  • Ensuring we are intentionally and thoughtfully investing in the development of our team.
  • Chip and I intentionally bringing focus to “building the future” in our business as we work to serve our clients well.

Building the habit of “W-SMART” goals will serve you well. If you do, you will move from wishful thinking to execution – you will be getting things done! You will not be disappointed.

How “W-SMART” are your goals?

Maverick Application:

  1. Reflect on the “W-SMART” worksheet.

    Download Your“W-SMART” Assessment 

  2. What is God teaching you about you and how you follow through on the promises of goals made?
  3. What are the strengths and opportunities to grow?
  4. Who can you ask to help you?
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