So You Want To Be Free!!

Accountability: Prison or Freedom?

Our senior team recently met at a local café. It was a meaningful time overflowing with:

  • Conversation and connection.
  • A reflection on Psalm 19 and the beauty of God as He invites us to enter into ALL THAT HE WOULD HAVE FOR US as friends, colleagues and ministers of His gospel.
  • Envisioning what’s possible as we shared what we each sensed God inviting us into over the next season.

The need to be “accountable” became clear given what we were sensing God was asking of us. This triggered a very real, challenging and productive discussion.

I have been exploring the word “accountability” for a long time. Sometimes embracing it and other times pulling away from it.

What is it about us that wants to “run” from the word?

“Everyone says they want community and friendship. But mention accountability or commitment to people, and they run the other way.”

Timothy Keller

Hands tied with rope

Perhaps we may be….

  • Encumbered with memories of allowing someone to inappropriately control us.
  • Afraid to fail. We would rather stay stuck, in the “in-between”, remaining unseen and uncommitted.
  • Clear we need help yet the next steps are very unclear.
  • Plagued by our own “stinkin thinkin”. We have been telling our selves that change, growth, achieving goals (tie to BLOG) and more, although wanted, is not possible.


In her book, “Daring Greatly”, Brene Brown, invites us to choose to be vulnerable. In this manner, we can enter into the wholehearted living that has been designed for each of us. This becomes a catalyst for growth, change and more.Daring Greatly Book

To experience the freedom we long to enjoy (wholehearted living), we desperately need Christ and one another. This is at the essence of Godly accountability.

I know I need you – I know you need me!

With healthy boundaries I choose to submit to the wisdom and input of Godly people around me – I choose to be accountable to them.

What are your reasons for being accountable, or for avoiding it?

What is keeping you from enjoying the freedom that exists in God -centered, kingdom focused accountability? What may you be afraid of?

Fear caution tape

Jesus offers us a rich perspective on the freedom we can enjoy when we are accountable with Him and with one another. In Christ- centered accountability something beautiful happens.  Maple tree in highway

It is here I am invited…

  1. Into what is possible for me in Christ.
  2. To no longer perform and deliver on the expectations of others as a measure of my value and worth.
  3. To focus my security and significance in Him.
  4. To be honest with my encouragements and discouragements.
  5. To believe I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength
  6. To commit to step up and mature in Christ, knowing full well that I will make mistakes.
  7. To no longer live under the warm, sentimental mush of the “non-committal try”.
  8. To be free to love and see people the way God sees them…. deeply loved and beautifully broken in their humanness.
  9. To offer and receive feedback focused on love – full of grace and truth.

Jesus is clear that a growing community, which includes accountability, will demonstrate His love to the world around us. John 13:34-35

Our café time provided us with some next steps to grow and become more like how God has designed us to be. It was clear to us that accountability – “full of grace and truth”, would be key if that growth were to happen.

How accountable are you?

A Maverick Application:

  1. What’s your response (reaction) to accountability? Why?
  2. How is God shaping your perspective?
  3. What may God be asking of you?
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