STOP – Before You Make That Big Decision…

Time To H.A.L.T.

The science is clear. The Wisdom-Of-The-Ages is clear. There are times when it is smart to make those BIG decisions and there are times when it is better to wait. I suspect you have experienced that caution inside that tells you clearly “This is not a good time to make this decision!” Have you ever kept going regardless? Have you ever paid the price?


Here are 4 situations where you will be wise to H.A.L.T. before making a big decision.

Don’t make decisions when you are:

H – hungry:

In the May 9 2016 article, Science Daily outlined that hormones, released while hungry, have a negative effect on your decision making and impulse control.

A – angry:

The September 2010 edition of the Harvard Business Review outlines the negative impact of “anger-fueled” actions. You and I know that when we make impulse decisions out of anger, it is rare that much good comes from it. There are many scriptures speaking clearly about anger and the negative impact of it on people and reactive decisions.

Fool vs wise man

L – lonely:

One main temptation for leaders is to make decisions in the absence of solid counsel. Many business leaders, if not careful, can find themselves cut off from healthy community. The result is that they feel lonely and really are alone. In a Feb 23, 2012 Forbes article provides key strategies to help avoid making poor decisions because you are alone.


T – tired:

Making decisions when you are tired is NOT wise. According to an April 29, 2015 article in the Business Insider, you and I need to be making the most important decisions within 2 hours of waking up in the morning. Conversely, making decisions in the mid-afternoon is the least productive.

The prophet Isaiah was clear too!

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”

Isaiah 40:29

When I reflect on decisions I have made that have not been the best, I can usually find H.A.L.T. at work. The 2 situations that can trip me up, if I am not careful, are:

  1. “L” – The compulsion to figure out what to do on my own – alone – without the solid input of Godly leaders.
  2. “T” – Trying to navigate tough conversations and decisions when I am exhausted.

How about you? Where does H.A.L.T. trip you up when making decisions?

A Maverick Application:

  1. Reflect on your decisions. For the ones that have not gone well, has H.A.L.T. been at work?
  2. What’s been the impact?
  3. Choose to avoid H.A.L.T. when making important decisions.
  4. Who can you share this reflection with?
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