Another “Nice” Trap!

6 Questions To Check Your Credibility

I saw the look in their eyes.  Nice words flowed from their leader’s mouth. Yet, I knew that the team had moved past being hopeful that something good could happen. They had moved to a space of frustration and, in some cases, cynicism. You could see it in their eyes…..thoughts like:

  • “Been there, heard that…”
  • “Same song, different day…”
  • “Quit wasting our time…”
  • “Can we go and get the real work done?”

Maybe you've been there, sitting in a meeting “listening” to a leader offer a host of nice words.  Everyone there knowing full well, given this leader’s track record, that nothing positive would probably happen. 

What if you're the leader offering the “nice” words? As you speak you know that, given your track record, nothing much will probably change.


We see this challenge day in and day out. Business owners and leaders going hard; energy spent on so many things requiring attention; giving your all and yet going home at the end of the day feeling like nothing was accomplished.

Here’s the tension for you and me. In the midst of all the press and activity filled day, you know that there have been promises made to your team that remain unfulfilled; commitments made that sit unaddressed. You drive on hoping, assuming, that the team will extend grace to you. Of course they know how hard you are working ….right?

Jesus gives us clear insight into how this dynamic works. In the midst of the press, He delivered on his promises and followed through with His commitments.

Try out this passage from The Message.



That hits close to home, at least it does for me.

In coaching and mentoring leaders for over 30 years, I can confidently say that following through on promises made is one of the major stumbling blocks faced by all who choose to lead. We somehow have deceived ourselves into thinking that those at work, in our homes, extended families and communities will be OK because we “tried”.

Certainly much grace has been, and will continue to be, extended to very human leaders each of us. However, I suggest strongly that if your track record at work and at home is one of try, good intentions and nice words…. you are in trouble…serious trouble.

Like Jesus, we need to pursue becoming more and more like Him…..


Meaning…I do what I said I will do!


We need to be leaders who are, in an ever-increasing way, growing our capacity to do what was promised, to deliver on our commitments.

Here are 6 questions I invite you to ask of those around you. Trust me….it may require a dose of courage to do so.

  • If you are married, would your spouse say that you consistently follow through on promises made? If you are not married…ask a close friend.
  • If you have kids…..what would they say? If you don’t have kids, how about nieces and nephews?
  • The team in your business….How would they describe your track record on delivering on commitments made?
  • What would your clients say as they describe their experience with you and your business?
  • What would your friends and extended family say about your track record in following through on promises made?
  • How many promises made to yourself have you repeated over the last days, weeks, months and maybe years?

I am inviting us to be men and women who people can count on, trust and “Take It to The Bank”. God is calling us to be credible.   


The secret is in the little things. Jesus followed through and did exactly what He said He would do.

Are you?

A Deliberate Application:

  • Review the 6 questions….thoughtfully, prayerfully.
  • Where is the credibility gap for you….family, team, clients, yourself?
  • Are you OK with the gap?
  • If not, what “little thing” may God be asking of you?
  • Go and get it done.
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