Do You Know Your Limits?

13 Questions For A Better 2018

“Pete, what has God been teaching you over the last while?” This question came from one of the business owners during our weekly call. I didn't need much time to think about it. I knew…limits!

Although at times very much resisting, I continue to learn that I have limits…God-given limits!


My nature, at one level, rails against this truth.  I enjoy the challenge of…

…“What’s possible”;

…Being an optimist;

…Seeing the sunshine behind the cloud.

…Operating with a deep resolve to never quit or give up regardless of the circumstances.

…Offering hope when little is apparent.

There is much in God’s design that is “limitless”.

At the same time, my very human nature can also cultivate and feed a dark side.


This dark side is one that the leader in you and me doesn't like, tries to ignore, or maybe even deny.  We can struggle to embrace the reality that, as entrepreneurs and leaders, we have limits…God-given, God-designed limits.


Ignore the God-designed limits and you will pay a price. What is worse, because of that limit-ignoring-mindset, you are not the only one paying the price. Your family, friends and team are paying with you!

Jesus, fully God and fully man, operated on this earth “within limits”. John 17:4 NLT speaks to this operating frame for Jesus. In His words, He operated within the limits of what His father asked Him to do while here on earth.

Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 10:13 – 15 VOICE are helpful as we reflect on the God-given limits in our lives as entrepreneurs and leaders.


Here are 13 “limit-promoting” questions you can consider as you lead yourself and others to an even better place in 2018. 

  • Hours Of Work. What would your family and friends say if you asked them for feedback on number of hours you are working? Is it sustainable?
  • Anger. How quick are you to become angry, irritable, and/or overly frustrated - even with what normally would be “smaller issues”?
  • Fully Present. Do you find it hard to sit still or maybe walk in a lingering manner? Even when you are sitting or walking, are you still “at work”?
  • Soul Care: Is your pace one that provides for regular “soul care” – your body, mind (thoughts and emotions) and spirit?
  • Talent Capacity: Where may you have “sold” your team’s capabilities and did not have a realistic plan to deliver as promised?
  • Business Volume: Is your team over-extended by the number of new projects and initiatives you are putting on their plate while, at the same time, expecting them to guarantee delivery on their regular work?
  • Restore vs. Escape. How many hours of TV / device screen time do you watch each week? Is this habit of watching one that has you escaping or restoring your soul?
  • Meaningful Connection. When is the last time you had a date with your spouse, your kids or a good friend?
  • Financial Margin. Are you “red-lined” financially at work and/or at home?
  • Energy. Are you operating energized or depleted?
  • Service. Do you have capacity to appropriately attend to the needs of others around you?
  • Compassion. Are you finding yourself insensitive to the pain and suffering of others?
  • Rest. Is your Sabbath pattern one of real rest - a day to “catch ones’ breath”? Or is it a day to “go to church” and then get a bunch of other things done?

Embracing limits is tough. I suspect it is tough for you. It is for me.  As owners and leaders we must embrace these God-given limits for our sake and the sake of those around us.

How are your limits?

A Deliberate Application:

  • Reflect on 2 Corinthians 10:13-15 VOICE and John 17:4 NLT
  • Are there one or two questions that struck a chord for you?
  • Are there other areas of your life that require limits?
  • What are you sensing God asking of you in 2018 regarding His limits in your life?
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