“I don't have a problem with pride!” How often have these words been stated? How easy it is to be seduced into that serious pile of “stinkin-thinkin”.
This comment causes me to pause and think about my own leadership journey. What would you say if you were asked, “Do you ever have a problem with pride?”
Over the years I have had numerous meetings with leaders who are no longer living out well the call of God on their life. Somehow, they have been shipwrecked on the rocks of their own pride….losing sight of their own humanness before the One who made them. They have become bloated with a sense of their own importance. These leaders represent churches, businesses, families, Christian organizations and more.
Here are 6 ways I have experienced the seduction of unhealthy pride in leadership. These same 6 ways can show up in me too! How about you?
- Justifying Spirit: A member of your team offers feedback and all they hear back is a justification of your attitudes and actions.
- Defensive Spirit: Your spouse, colleague, friend says to you, “Can we talk about how you spoke to me earlier?” You respond with immediate defense.
- Judgmental Spirit: You are quick to assess the attitudes and actions of those around you with little reference to your own reality.
- Impatient Spirit: You are impatient with a team member, family member or friend. In your mind, they “just don’t seem to get it”.
- “I’m Pretty Good” Spirit: You derive more than Godly satisfaction from your work and your accomplishments. You find your worth in what you have been able to achieve, produce and accomplish.
- Self-Deprecating Spirit: The voice in your head is filled with negative, self-loathing talk. You are consumed with yourself in a negative way.
The scriptures are full of instruction regarding pride for leaders like you and me. Let’s choose to invite God and His spirit to shape and transform us more and more into His image – and less of our own!
Philippians 2:1-11 MSG is a more-than-helpful reflection for you and me as leaders. If you sincerely “wash” yourself in the reality of what Jesus invites you into, then I suggest unhealthy pride will not be as prevalent. Take a moment to read and reflect on your self-leadership regarding pride.
A Deliberate Leaders Prayer…..
“Father, forgive me when I…
…Choose to live independent of You and those you have placed around me.
…Choose to not listen to the nudges of your spirit reminding me of these prideful vices.
…Choose to blame others first and become immediately defensive
…Find fault in others, judging quickly
…Steadily watch for and catch others making mistakes
…Create and replay negative narratives in my mind about other people and/or myself; assuming the worst of them and/or me
…Am disagreeable and unloving; when I no longer pursue being deep-spirited friends with those You have in my life.
…Push my way to the front with my clients, team and family.
…Sweet-talk my way into a better deal.
…Put myself ahead of others.
…Become obsessed with getting my own way.
…Am too busy to offer a helping hand.
…Forget to think of myself the way Jesus thought of Himself.
…Cling to the advantages, privileges and statuses of the world I am in. …Pursue being served and not serving; for not following Christ’s example.
Father, help me to live with a healthy fear of You Prov 1:7 NLT. If there is anything that I fear, may it be the insidious creeping of unhealthy pride within me.