The “One Thing”!

Business Leader - 6 Clarity Questions On Your One Thing!

This past Monday was a great day. Randy and I stood in the parking lot reflecting on the work done that day.  Along with two of his key leaders, Rick and Bill, we had just finished interviewing 6 executive assistant /office administrator candidates for his company, AKS Interior Systems.

The highlight of my day was the level of clarity with which Randy and his team spoke about what was most important for them as leaders.  These leaders spoke and delivered clarity on what’s most important for the AKS team to each of the potential team members.

CLARITY…it drives everything! You need to be clear on “one thing”, so to speak! Without some level of clarity, you cannot outline a vision, create products, hire and fire, grow, learn, become, provide feedback, apologize, have a good conversation and so much more.


In the 1991 movie “City Slickers”, Mitch (Billy Crystal) was on the search to “find himself”. He was quite unclear on what was most important for himself. He was hanging out with Curly, an old cowboy, who was leading a cattle drive. Mitch was hoping that being a part of something nostalgic, like a cattle drive, would help him “find himself”, help him become clear on what's most important. During the drive Curly gives Mitch some advice. 

Curly: “Do you know what the secret of life is? Holding up one finger, says, “This!”
Mitch: “Your finger?”
Curly: “One thing. Just one thing! You stick to that one thing and the rest don’t mean s***!”
Mitch: “But what is the one thing?”
Curly: “That’s what you have to find out.”

Click here to enjoy Curly and Mitch’s exchange…


A couple years ago, Randy began a journey to clarify what's most important for him…the “one thing” that would re-energize, over and over again, his capacity to…

…. get up in the morning with passion, clarity and focus.

….do the work of aligning his vision to what he was sensing God asking of him in the business, and with the people entrusted to him.

…. endure much opposition from inside and outside the business as he pressed in to bring the needed changes.

….do the hard work of following through, day in and day out, as he realigned leaders, people and processes with what was most important.

…. recruit talented men and women to the AKS team, those who really do want to make a difference, to serve well, and do excellent work.

…. enjoy intimacy with Christ as he learns to lead himself and his business well. 


Driving for clarity on the “one thing”, what’s most important, is a fundamental duty of a business owner and leader. The irony is that the leader will probably be driving for that clarity in the midst of much that is not clear. Even in the “thick fog” that so often can surround us, we are still called to create clarity on what’s most important, to lead self and others well.  


How clear are you on what’s most important, on the “one thing”, in the midst of the fog? Here are 6 clarity questions for your reflection.

  1. How clear is your purpose in Christ when you get up in the morning…again and again and again?
  2. How clear is your business purpose; how clear are your values? Are they aligned?
  3. How does opposition impact you? Do you remain clear or are you “fogged out”?
  4. Does your level of clarity motivate you to do the hard work of moving between strategy and follow through in your business?
  5. Is the clarity of your leadership culture one that is inviting talented, awesome men and women to come and join your team?
  6. Are you clearly enjoying (not necessarily always matched to feeling happy) the reality of your King in your life…at work and at home? 

Pursuing clarity in what's most important has profoundly impacted me, my family, my experience of God, my business and my community. I am seeing the pursuit of clarity on what’s most important profoundly impacting Randy and his team.

How clear are you on what's most important – your “one thing”? Are you encouraged with your answer? 

A Deliberate Reflection:

  • Meditate and reflect on Psalm 27:4.
  • Is His one thing your one thing?
  • What would those around you say?
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