Use This Secret Weapon To Diminish Fear & Waste!

5 BIG Reasons To Take This Step . . .

What’s getting in the way of you doing what you need to do?” I recently asked a leader as he grappled with a very challenging conflict with a key team member. “Fear”, he responded! “Fear of their response; fear of the “chat” taking too much time; fear that I may not handle it well.”

Fear caution tape

This leader was allowing his fear to trump what was most important to him and the company God has entrusted to him. In the moment, he was no longer being powered by his purpose as he led into a difficult situation.

When we lose sight of our purpose, fear….and eventually, waste… creeps in. Wasted…







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cannot lead

Like a compass heading, your purpose clarity provides the frame for course- correcting as you find yourself and / or your business wandering off course. Purpose clarity provides direction for pressing through the, what seems to be, never ending pressures at work and at home.

Jesus was very clear that you and I will face many troubles. (John 16:33 NLT) He was also more than clear that when you have your purpose…your reason for being… centered in him, you can take heart.

Compass on map

On May 5th, 2017 Leadercast Live is happening again. Over 100,000 leaders worldwide gather for a day of learning, connecting and building. The theme this year is “Powered By Purpose”.

If you are within an hour or so of Guelph – JOIN US on May 5th!
Click here for more info and to get tickets!

When you are powered by purpose, you will operate with the clarity needed to lead your…

  1. Self. The starting point for having a family, business, community that is operating on purpose is you!
  2. Family. Purpose clarity will give you the needed frame to lead those you care about most with grace and truth. (John 1:14 NIV)
  3. Team. With purpose clarity you can better navigate the broad range of people, personalities, issues, wants and needs.
  4. Clients. Ideal clients are attracted to you. They WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU because they can “feel” your clarity of purpose.
  5. Suppliers. Your ideal suppliers will go out of their way to help you create a REMARKABLE experience for your ideal customers.

How clear is your purpose? If I asked you to state your purpose, would you be able to do so with passion, clarity and focus?

Join us on May 5th and learn with us – learn from others, get ideas on how to be “Powered By Purpose”.

Choose to be powered by purpose and attend Leadercast;

Invite family members;

Invite your leaders and future leaders;

Invite your clients;

Invite your suppliers.

If Guelph is too far, then click here to go to for a location closer to you.

Be proactive and be Powered By Purpose!

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