What Flows From You?

7 Leadership Engagement Questions

The other day I was really struck as I engaged with a group of business owners who gather together. On a regular basis we connect on Google Hangout for time in God’s word, praying for and encouraging one another as we look to lead ourselves, our businesses, our families and our communities well.

What struck me most was seeing (again) what God was doing in the midst of these leaders. A spirit of authenticity, with a genuine desire to grow and become all that God has designed them to be, was quite evident.


Gratitude...humility…honesty…care…questions…submission… and service flowed.

It was a good space – a God space!!

Here are the verses at the heart of our discussion that morning.  

"For it was I, the Lord your God, 
who rescued you from the land of Egypt.
Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things.
But no, my people wouldn’t listen.     
Israel did not want me around.
So I let them follow their own stubborn desires,     living according to their own ideas.

Oh, that my people would listen to me!     
Oh, that Israel would follow me, walking in my paths!

Psalm 81:10-13 NLT

Here are 7 questions for you to consider as we did that morning:

  1. Do you claim God to be your God? What would others notice if you do or do not?
  2. He is our rescuer. How has He rescued you lately?
  3. He desires to fill you with good things, is your “mouth” open?
  4. He desires you to listen to Him. Are you living life at a speed that allows you to hear His voice?
  5. Do you want Him in your business, your home, and your life?
  6. What stubborn desires may be getting in your way of experiencing the fullness that God would have for you?
  7. What’s God’s desire for you?

These business leaders are so very engaged in these 7 questions as we do our “self and business leadership” work. 

Like the business owners that morning, you and I need to decide daily if we will engage with the One who made us. Will you?

How engaged are you?

A Deliberate Application:

  1. Read and reflect on Psalm 81:10-13 NLT
  2. Which of the 7 questions catches you; strikes a chord with you?
  3. What are you sensing God ask of you?
  4. Who will you share this with?
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