Are you slipping?

5 reasons to give up on resolutions

Slipping? Like many, you may have made the proverbial New Year’s resolution. Like many, you may already be “slipping” in your conviction and ability to execute on the promise made to yourself and others just a few days ago.

Are you slipping?


Here are 5 reasons why resolutions do not work. 

  • Stinkin Thinkin Mindset. Resolutions often tend to arise from a self-dissatisfaction perspective rather than a desire for a stronger Kingdom of God perspective. Is your mindset one that is Kingdom of God focused or self focused? Romans 8:5-6 NIV
  • Avoid Reality. Resolutions made are usually done without sober thought on the implications of not following through on what’s promised. Eph 5:15-17 NLT
  • No Plan. Resolutions are often made in the moment, during the celebration. They are often decided with wishful thinking, with little thought to the reality of the pressures or resources needing to be accounted for. Luke 14:28 NIV


  • No Daily Rigor. Too many make resolutions without the habit of daily rigor – the personal daily, in-the-moment follow through. 1 Cor 9:24-27 NLT
  • Doing It Alone. More often than not, those who make resolutions don't share them….afraid of “being found out”, of letting self and others down …again. Prov 15:22

A Deliberate Application:

  • Reflect on Ephesians 5:15-17 and the 5 reasons.
  • Where may God be asking you to become more wise in how you make resolution for change?
  • Who can you share this with?


Will this year be different?

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