Do you own it?

One thing Christ-following small business leaders don’t do!

Enjoy this post from our archives.

We had just finished a partners' meeting about our recent invitation to small business owners regarding our next Master'sMind Accelerator Peer Group. Part of our discussion was focused on these two questions:

  • “What are the main things business owners do that keep them from experiencing all that God would have for them”?
  • “What keeps them from being transformed?” as Paul writes in Romans 12:1-2 NIV.


I’ll ask it another way. What are the things growing, Christ-following business owners don’t do?  What’s your answer?

I wonder if you would agree with me on a few that seem to rise above all others.  In the midst of many pressures, countless decisions and never-ending challenges these owners don’t:

  1. Make excuses
  2. Deflect
  3. Blame others
  4. Blame circumstances
  5. Blame history
  6. Blame God 

Meet Harry Hutten, owner of Select Sprinklers in Burlington, Ontario. In a recent discussion, this wonderful, committed Christian made a confession. Although Harry’s business has been reasonably successful for many years, he would say that his leadership has been less than best because he wanted to be seen as “nice”. Being “nice” revealed him not owning his leadership and the inevitable impact it had on others. (Check out one of our past reflections on “Jesus was not a nice man!”)

He would find reasons, excuses and rationalizing of circumstances and people in order to justify the impact of his leadership. Harry, a self declaring “Hi my name is Harry and I am a recovering ‘nice’ leader”, has now decided to lead with courage, full of grace and truth John 1:14 NIV. He now owns his need to engage in the tremendous, thrilling and so-not-easy process of becoming a leader full of grace and truth!

God is sovereign and He does reign supreme over all.  Underneath this reality, whether a product of your choices and/or God’s hand, you and I are called to own our attitudes, actions and responses.


Here are 5 practices to help you “own it’; not deflect or blame circumstances or others for whatever situation you find yourself in:

  1. Embrace humility – Godly humility. Say “no” to your ego. Submit to the One who made you. He will “lift you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 NIV
  2. Confess your broken humanity to God - and appropriately to your faith community.
  3. Declare Jesus and His word are alive, true and life-changing for you! Hebrews 4:12 NLT
  4. Be honest with your need for Jesus and the power of His spirit to transform you by the “renewing of your mind”. Romans 12:1-2 NIV
  5. Invite Christ to bring kingdom-focused wisdom to your leadership of self, business and home. James 1:5-8 NLT

A Deliberate Application:

Reflect on circumstances and challenges that have not gone well over the last season of your leadership.

  • If you were listening to yourself talk would you hear ownership language or deflection, justification and excuses language?  Are you OK with this?
  • What are you sensing God ask of you as you reflect on the 5 practices to “own” your responses?
  • Who will you share this with?


See stories of transformation where God is at work in the marketplace.


Because of Jesus, you can own your responses. He is your King!

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