Check out this revised post from the DeliberateU archives.
I was sitting in my office (a local Starbucks) when I overheard a gentleman commenting on some of the foolishness that happens during the Christmas season, as people scurry around to find the “perfect gift”. He was recounting how he witnessed two guys getting into a “boxing match”--a literal fist fight--over a parking spot on Boxing Day!!
I am sure that most of us can relate to stories of people going to less-than-reasonable lengths to get the perfect deal or the perfect gift. How is it that we can pursue something so good and, at the same time, justify behaviour that is so not good?

I suggest that the challenge is one of the disconnect between 2 worlds – our inner world and our outer world. We believe we can separate our thoughts and actions, our intentions and behaviours, our private self from our public self.
This is the challenge of an unattended gap!
On one hand, it is easy for us to cast stones at those who have lost their public decorum and allowed the world to see the reality of their own “lostness”. It is easy for us to focus on the craziness of others we see from time to time.
What about our own state of craziness--our own unattended gap between what we are really like on the inside and the person we present to the world on the outside? Are we not as equally guilty as those we judge to be unreasonable in their behaviour?
This reality challenges me. I am no different.
In case you are unsure of what I am talking about, let me ask you this question:
In all the years of asking that question I have yet to have one person who would agree to do so.
What is it about us that resists making our innermost thoughts public? What stops us from facing that gap?
It is because of this gap that Jesus came into the world. He saw the condition of the people around him and it grieved him. In Matthew 9, He gives us a view of how He saw the gap in people around him.
Jesus saw the true condition of the people of his day. He sees the condition of the people in our day. He sees the condition of you and me. He sees the very real and ever-present gap between our human condition and the beauty He offers us as Kingdom citizens.

Jesus spoke directly into the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of his day. I suggest that if we choose to ignore Him and His invitation to grow in our alignment with His heart, He would speak directly into the hypocrisy in our own lives as well. (Matthew 23:25-26 NLT)
3 "Mind the Gap" Questions.
There are 3 helpful questions that encourage us to live more authentic lives in Christ--lives that close the gap between our thoughts and actions and the thoughts and heart of God. These questions invite us into healthy submission to His will to transform us.
Ask God to show you where He is at work in you and around you. Ask Him to help you enjoy where He is leading you to “close the gap”. As His spirit reveals the gap in different areas of our lives, we can choose to partner with Him, doing what He has asked us to do.
If I am to grow and “mind the gap” in 2020, what do I need to:
Stop doing, or do less of, that would help close the gap?
Start doing, or do more of, that would help close the gap?
Keep on doing that would help close the gap?
"Minding the gap" is a journey that continues as long as we are on this side of heaven. Jesus is inviting you and me to abide in Him, His word and His Love. As we do, He will show us those opportunities to grow and become more like Him. He will show us the "gap" and how to "mind" is. The result will be far more ease and much less wear and tear. (John 15:1-17 NLT)
Small Business Leaders, Join us in 2020 and let's "Mind The Gap"!
A Deliberate Application:
How aware are you of your “gap” – that space between your inner self and outer self that you present to the world around you?
What circumstances may God be using to show you your gap and opportunities to grow?
Are you willing to “mind the gap” in 2020?
Invite Christ to show you opportunities to grow so that your private self is more and more aligned with your public self.
Ask for feedback on these questions from 1 or 2 people close to you?