Enjoy this 5th post of our 5 part series on “The Keys to Finding & Keeping Great People”
Here’s your 3rd solution. Stay tuned for a bonus millennial solution next week.
Recruit like a marketer…really? Isn’t marketing just a “necessary evil” to get sales when you don't have enough sales? Or isn’t marketing just a nice logo with clever slogans? No!!!
We are not talking about the kind of marketing that is:
- Trying to get people to do something they don't want to do just because you need something from them!
- Focused on splashy, clever logos and slogans.
Kingdom focused marketing is a profoundly powerful tool in the small business leader’s toolbox. The invitation for you is to bring that same sales and marketing mindset into the world of recruiting. Make this shift and, on balance, you will have a community of talented, culturally aligned people who are eager to come and join your team.
The marketing we are talking about is focused on blessing…adding value to people’s lives. This kind of deliberate marketing drives, invites and promotes clarity as you engage with your team and customers.
The Deliberate Marketer ensures that there is an on-going, predictable stream of high-value leads which….at the right time, at the right rate, in the right way… convert into the needed sales. If this is the right approach for ensuring sales in your business, doesn’t it make sense to do the same for your team?
Here are 5 steps to “recruit like a marketer”. Recruiting like a marketer leads you to:
- Be clear on the “Unique Value Proposition” of your company.
- Be clear on your “Ideal Team Member” profile.
- Shift from “marketing” only when you need someone…. to a space of “Always Recruiting”. Note: Recruiting only when there is a gap in the team roster is too late to begin!
- Ensure that there is a solid, predictable recruiting system that provides a pool of high-value potential team members who remain engaged with you and your team until you are ready to hire.
- Keep in touch with what your team, customers, suppliers and communities are experiencing as they engage with you and your business. It is the ongoing story of their engagement with you that will help ensure alignment between what you offer and what they experience.
If you are going to ensure a continuous stream of great potential team members who are “pounding down the door” to come and join your team, then you need to pay attention to these 5 steps.
You need to recruit like a marketer! Is this your mandate?
Here is an example of one tool you can use to "recruit like a marketer". See how our friends at Compass Creative have worked to make the brand of their clients more visible to potential team members.
Stay tuned for a bonus solution in next week’s post – The Millennial Opportunity!

A Deliberate Application:
- Download & Review the infographic we have created to see the bigger picture.
- Review the 5 steps. What’s going well? What changes do you need to make?
- How does Mark 10:45 inform your recruiting mindset?
- What are you sensing God ask of you?
- Who can you share this with?