So what drives your business purpose? I was thinking about this question as I wrapped up an early morning call with a group of Christ-following business owners.
This group of energized, purpose focused leaders have been wrestling with questions like this for the past couple of years. They are saying “No” to a leadership culture which is void of hope. Committed to living out transformational leadership of self, home and business…they are saying “No” to ‘lives of quiet desperation’ as expressed by Henry David Thoureau…
Greg Ogden, “Leadership Essentials” author, offers motivation for those who may sometimes feel stuck/limited in their leadership roles.
Here are 3 compelling drivers for fueling you as a Christ-following leader.
- The compelling Christ. Colossians 1:15-20 NIV
- Is the person of Jesus a compelling reason for you to grow and engage as a small business leader?
- Does your engagement with Him infuse you and your business vision with energy, excitement and challenge?
- Advancing the Kingdom. Matthew 6:33 NLT
- As a small business leader, are you seeking first His Kingdom and leading all things “rightly”?
- Have your wrestled with what this means and how it is expressed within your context?
- Are you engaged with other Christ following small business leaders who are “seeking” to do the same?
- Helping others move towards what is “certain”. Hebrews 11:1 NIV
- Do you “see” people as God sees them – as “image bearers”?
- Are you growing in Christ centered confidence, one that is compelling to those you lead?
- Is your leadership inviting and compelling others to come and join you in the struggle of “bringing good to bear”, right there in the midst of your business?
What’s driving your business purpose – you or Christ?
A Deliberate Application:
- When is the last time you’ve paused and reflected on why you are in business?
- Does your business purpose compel you, energize you to get out of bed in the morning?
- Prayerfully reflect on the above passages. How is Jesus inviting you to engage in the purpose of your (His) business?
- Who can you share this with?