Tired of the Same Ol’?

7 Growth Keys as you Recalibrate this Summer

The following blog is from Darren Bosch of DeliberateU.

I smiled as I hung up the phone.  I had just wrapped up a weekly coaching call with a business owner and his sales team. The call resulted in a number of clear actions for the team, reflecting a profound shift that had occurred within that business over the last couple of years.


That team had moved from…

  • Confusion to clarity on what's most important

  • Being barely profitable to enjoying significantly more predictable, healthy profit

  • A culture where it was hard to find and keep talented people, to a place where good people want to join, stay and grow

  • Relentless wear and tear on the leaders and the team, to far more ease with client-focused, user-friendly processes

  • Chasing any piece of business possible just to make the numbers for the week or month work, to now being booked almost 3 months out

Unhelpful reporting on sales, financials, and production to information that adds weekly value to the decision-making process of the leadership team.


I thought more about the very difficult work this business owner and his team had engaged in to reach this place. Without a doubt, this work is not for the faint of heart!!

What had this leader done to create the conditions for success now being enjoyed by the team?


Here are 7 key areas this owner relentlessly pressed into:

  1. Personal Foundations:

    1. Identity in Christ: learning how to abide well in Christ, so that experiencing Him was a key operating frame

    2. Personal vision clarity: defining purpose, values, dreams, aspirations and a clear picture of the future

    3. Clear Priorities: living out what was most important in each key area of his life

  2. Business Vision Clarity: purpose, values, dreams, aspirations, and a clear picture of the future for his business, team, clients and the community impacted by them.

  3. Leadership of People & Culture: leading in such a way that great people want to join, stay and grow with the team.

  4. Sales & Marketing: creating a sustainable, predictable, profitable stream of revenue from ideal prospects that have become clients.

  5. Business Focused Financials: clear leading indicators that help ensure the team delivers on the lagging quarterly and annual financial metrics.

  6. Gettin’ It Done: Ensuring that pressure is applied in the right areas of the business at the right time, in the right way--a way that fully engages the team so that they are driving the improvements needed.

  7. Kingdom Impact: Regular conversations and celebrations as the team, clients and suppliers experience more “good” being done. The owner sees and invites others into enjoying the impact of:

    1. Adding value to people’s lives (Mark 10:45 NLT)
    2. Christ’s love cascaded into every area that the business touches (Matt 22:38-40 NLT)
    3. Seeing people presented with more and more opportunities to grow  (Matt 28:18-20 NLT)

The ease with which this owner and his team now operate is inspiring. The daily realities of his business continue to offer a multitude of challenges and surprises. However, it has been very much worth the journey! 

Are you focusing on “the 7”?  This owner is glad that he did.

A Deliberate Application:

  1. Review the 7 areas
  2. Which one would you say is weaker? Why?
  3. What may you be sensing God ask of you in light of your responses?


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