O Holy Night!

Hope for the Disordered Mess of Struggling Humanity

The following blog is written by Darren Bosch, Christian Leadership Mentor, and Partner at DeliberateU

This past week I was privileged to play some Christmas songs with the severely poor and marginalized. It was a most Holy Night.

In the ragged east end of Hamilton, under Stelco’s ominous shadow, shines a beacon of hope called Streetlight. A church refuge and ministry for the city’s poorest, most threadbare. Broken, yet beautiful. Desperate, yet discipled. Reduced, yet rich. Hurting, yet Holy.


Together with my brother Mike, we were fortunate to bless and be blessed. In what seemed like a disordered “mess” of struggling souls, Jesus showed up bright and beautiful. Testimonies of holding on to Him were as warm and heartfelt as the hot food served by caring volunteers. These beautiful street-wise may look different on the outside than some of us “polished” and privileged, but my sisters and brothers…we are sooo much the same. The same King of saints and sinners Jesus came to redeem one “Holy Night” long ago.

Then there it came, from the back, a sparkling-eyed black woman politely asked, “Can you play O Holy Night?” My favourite, I wonder if she knew of the song’s history? Often used by an American abolitionist in his fight against slavery. Composed by a Jewish musician. A song of freedom!


Because of a most Holy Night, we get to live out of the reality of being made new – again and again. Jesus came to save us from the disordered mess of struggling humanity. From my sin that so easily entangles and trips me up. No more living under a dark cloud.

You and I can experience the reality of Christ offering us a “new and glorious morn”. Today, On Christmas.



I am no longer left in my sin and stain.

When I stop and consider the implications of being left in my “old man” I shudder. Even as I write this, I am filled with wonder and gratitude for how my God has rescued me.  

I can now know my worth. 

Because of Him, our identity is secure. Because of Him, you and I no longer need to be seduced by the idolatry of position, power, and possessions. It is because of Him, on a most Holy Night, that my soul can find its worth. 

My weary soul can rejoice. 

Because of Him, we are provided with the capacity to abide in Him, in His Word, and in His love.  When you and I live in the reality of these 3 “abides” the result is joy complete and overflowing. 

This Christmas, join me and ask the One who made that Holy Night possible to continue shaping us back into the ones He designed us to be.  However we may appear on the outside.  The disordered mess of our struggling humanity is set right, once and for all.  Thank you Jesus!



Enjoy this version of "O Holy Night"

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