Flourishing in Mid-Life - Part1

The Mid-Life Reality Check

This is part 1 of a 6-part series on the Mid-life leader.

I'm quite sure that I'm well past "mid-life". At 63, I have far less "runway" in front of me than I have behind me. Life really is feeling like a "roll of toilet paper...the more you use, the less you have!"


The language of a "mid-life" crisis is not new... It is an everyday cultural reality as we listen to people approaching 40 or 50... expressing a growing awareness of their state in life and the reality of their circumstances. As those around us reflect on how "life is not turning out as planned", we will often hear disappointment and disillusion, possibly even settling for "ah, whatever". 

The Jesus-following leader is not exempt. We also experience discouragement, disappointment, and maybe even despair. It is not a matter of if, but when. 

In the language of our Christian traditions, we call this experience a "dark night of the soul"...a time of suffering, challenge, confusion, pain, and struggle.


As I have experienced my own series of "dark nights of the soul", I am seeing a number of mindsets...trends...traps that can really cripple the believing leader as they journey through life. I have needed to become more and more aware of these in my life. Are you aware of them in yours?

Here are a few:

  • The life of comfort and convenience. Pursuing the "easy life" instead of the ease of the King and His Kingdom. Matthew 6:19-34
  • We intellectually know that our plans for business and for life are not guaranteed. Yet, we have often tied our "hearts" to those things becoming reality. James 4:13-15
  • Pursuing success instead of faithfulness. Proverbs 16:9
  • Doing devotions...not experiencing devotion. Matthew 15:8
  • Focusing on "religion" and not a relationship with Jesus. John 15:1-17
  • Living with a "disintegrated" soul...a compartmentalized existence in our will, thoughts, emotions, body, and the context in which we live and lead. Psalm 23
  • The seduction of performing, of being driven to accomplish something instead of living and leading His Way. Matthew 11:28-30 MSG
  • Ignoring the reality of growing older and the impact on our overall capacity. Psalm 90:12

Author Paul Tripp says it this way...


Whatever has precipitated your "dark night of the soul", I believe that you are presented with a beautiful invitation from the One who loves you: to become more and more like Him (Col 3:10 NLT). As Paul writes in Galatians 2:20, you and I "have been crucified with Christ, and we...no longer live but Christ lives in us."

As Jesus-following business leaders, you and I have the privilege of becoming more and more like Jesus would have us to be. He has promised us that, in the midst of trouble, we can learn to take heart and enjoy Him.

What's your response to His invitation?

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