Flourishing in Mid-Life - Part 4

What you Focus on Grows

This is part 4 of a 6-part series on the Christian Mid-life leader

What you focus on grows! Focus on trouble and that is what you will experience…trouble. Focus on trusting the Lord for joy in the midst of trouble and that is what you will have…Joy!


Cathy, my wife, and I were recently reflecting on our life journeys (age 63) through midlife, with our good friends and business partners Darren and Sarah (age 50). Each of us are not strangers to the experience of trouble and disappointment that life can bring. At times, deep discouragement. As we processed our journeys, I was reminded of a quote…


Our lives are filled with the very real stories of the…

  • Sudden and tragic deaths of close family, friends, and young adults
  • Friends & family marriages dashed on the rocks of divorce
  • Dreams of business ventures going sideways
  • Deep hurt and conflict

One of the realities that has become quite clear to me is this…"What I focus on grows!” 

I believe that being crystal clear on what’s most important, and why, is fundamentally crucial to navigate mid-life “well”.  

What’s your focus? 

If you were to assess the predominant occupation of your thoughts and feelings as you prepare for, go through, or reflect on your mid-life journey…what would be the result?

What’s your Focus?

We are NOT VICTIMS of our mid-life realities. 

We are NOT DEFINED by them. 

Yes, there may be mid-life challenges and even crises that are the result of poor choices made earlier in life. There are also mid-life challenges that have come our way that are the reality of our own frailty as humans and the impact of broken people around us. 

The apostle Paul provides clear instructions for us as leaders. In Colossians 3 his direction is solid…

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.”

 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly…” 


“Set & Let”

Paul brings to us the Kingdom reality of our God-given capacity to choose our focus. In the midst of his charge to the Colossians, he challenges us to:

  1. Set your mind on things above. The deliberate activity of setting your mind is your job…my job. Our mindset…our focus…will determine our experience as we navigate mid-life.
  2. Let the peace of Christ and the Word of Christ dwell in you richly. The posture of the Kingdom leader is one of surrendering to His love and providence in your life. It is a posture of yielding to His work and ways in your life. It is one of daily dying to yourself, of yielding to the One who made you. The One who has called you to lead and serve your business, family, and community wholeheartedly.  

Jesus’ calling on us is to “seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). This can only happen if we choose, if we set our minds on Him and His Ways. This can only happen if we choose to surrender our lives and leadership to Him. If we allow Him to shape us as we prepare for and go through mid-life. 

Have you “set & let”? ...... What you focus on will grow!


Here’s an invitation… come join us at our Mid-Life Leaders’ Getaway. Come learn and be encouraged by business leaders similar to you, leaders who don’t want to settle for less than what Christ has for them.

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