Flourishing in Mid-Life - Part 6

5 Habits to Flourish and Finish Well

This is part 6 of a 6-part series on the Christian Mid-life leader

At 63, and now on the other side of mid-life, I am more clear than ever that there are very deliberate mindsets and actions we can choose to help us flourish.

When we are not clear on what is most important, we fall prey to the “wander”.


As the apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 9, we are all in a race. One of our tasks is to decide what “winning” looks like for our one and only 2nd half of life. Are you clear on what “winning” looks like for you?

Here are Paul’s not-so-subtle words to help us Jesus-following leaders “get clear” so that we can live the full, flourishing life Christ would have for us. Have a read and ask yourself how aligned you are. 

Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. - 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 NLT


Here are 5 habits that have helped me stay the course over time -  habits that have allowed me to flourish and someday finish well. These habits, far from perfect in my life, have provided the needed framework so that I can “run” with more and more purpose in every step. These habits have created a flourishing framework that helps me not “just shadowbox”, wasting both time and energy.  Instead, these habits help me live a far more fulfilling, deliberate, and contributing life. 

Deliberate Reflection:

Reflect prayerfully on these 5 Habits.  Are they evident in your life and your leadership of self and of others?

  1. Habit of Love

A deliberate choice to grow in your love for God, for people and for yourself. 

  1. When Jesus says this is the “greatest commandment”, is it for you? 
  2. Is the intimate, abiding sense of being His beloved informing your view of life, business, leadership, mission, and more?

  1. Habit of Rest

A deliberate choice to rest and recover from your work. 

Truth be told, this is my weakest habit of the 5. My family and friends could tell you.  I love my work. However, some old compulsions regarding work can still trip me up from time to time, negatively impacting my energy and focus. Overall, the rhythms of rest in my life have persevered me, even with my compulsion to overwork.

  1. Is your “sabbath” restful…really?
  2. What does rest look like for you?
  3. Do your daily and weekly rhythms provide space for your “soul” to connect with yourself, with the Lord, and with others?
  4. Does your rest re-energize your capacity to focus on your work; and your ability to add value to people’s lives?


  1. Habit of Yes & No

A deliberate choice to say “yes” to seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness in your life. 

Within your daily decisions, within that sea of so many choices, only a few will help you flourish in and through mid-life. Every time you decide “yes” to something, you are saying “no” to something else. It is always an exchange. 

  1. Are you clear on what you are saying “no” to when you say “yes”?
  2. Are your “yes’” choices supporting your desire to live a full and flourishing life?
  3. Are you feeling “hurried” or “purposeful” as you navigate the overwhelming choices available to you?

  1. Habit of Mission

A deliberate choice to always be “giving your life away”, of adding value in some shape or form to the lives of others. 

Somehow, even though Jesus called it “The Great Commission”,  it’s become “The Great Omission” (Dallas Willard). Somehow, the consumption of self, the worries and pressures of life have dulled our sense of mission and purpose. This habit of mission, giving our lives away, ultimately brings much refreshment and life to the full! 

  1. How clear is your sense of calling from Jesus?
  2. Are you excited with the focus of your one and only 2nd half of life
  3. What things may be keeping you from living your life on purpose…on mission?

  1. Habit of Community

A deliberate choice to surround oneself with men and women who are committed to living a mission-focused flourishing life.  

The social trends are undeniable…more isolation, more independence, more anxiety, and more justification for not engaging in a purposeful, caring, life-giving community. 

  1. Are you intentionally engaged with life-giving, Jesus-following, mission-focused men and women?
  2. Do your calendar and your cheque book demonstrate that you live the habit of a meaningful Christ-centered community? Or, would they reveal an attempt to live and lead alone?

Mid-life and beyond is our reality. The deep disappointments and frequent discouragements can seem like they are always with us. Life will continue to bring joy, uncertainty, pain, and sorrow.  

These strong, healthy habits can help us stay the course and “run the race” so that we can finish well! 

How are your habits supporting your race to “finish well”?


Here’s an invitation…come join us at our Mid-Life Leaders’ Getaway. Come learn and be encouraged by business leaders similar to you, leaders who don’t want to settle for less than what Christ has for them.

Our desire for you is that you would flourish with whatever years the Lord has for you.

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