Quit Flying Upside Down

An Unpopular Invitation To A Different Sort Of Leadership

The following blog is from Pete Kuehni of DeliberateU

No!” I declared loudly…at least in my own mind. “No, no, no… not me!” 


About 40 years ago I was sitting with a group of men, all of us in our 20s. The speaker declared, with tears streaming down his face, that not all who were seated in front of him would finish well. Some would give up on their faith, no longer convinced that God was with them; some would be seduced by the “shiny” things of life; others would find that their “religion” was not sufficient to address the inevitable worry and deep disappointments.

In his book “The Divine Conspiracy”, Dallas Willard describes the reality of the disoriented, disappointed Christian life many live as they pursue “the good life”. It is like one is flying an airplane in a thick bank of clouds, unaware that the plane is actually upside down. All seems to be fine, at least in the pilot’s own mind, even though the instruments are indicating otherwise. When the pilot “pulls up” they are actually going into a deep dive, likely with a tragic end.  

The pre and post-COVID stats only amplify what we see…..anxiety, depression, suicide, diminishing church attendance, unhealthy deconstruction, and more are all disheartening realities. 

For far too many believers, the frequent words in sermons, music, podcasts, and even the scriptures now ring more hollow than true. We hear the “nice” declaration in Psalm 23...“The Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need.” Our public face says how nice that Psalm is, while our private self battles and asks “Really, I have all that I need? That is not how my life has turned out!” Flying upside down.


The solution, as Eugene Peterson puts it in Romans 8:1-3 MSG, is life on God’s terms. If we are to finish well, we must receive Jesus’ unpopular invitation to embrace life on God’s terms.

So, what does a resilient, living-life-on-God’s-terms look like for the Christian leader? As I have learned in my life, and the lives of many Christian leaders, I have observed 12 critical and uncommon “life on God’s terms” attributes if one is to finish well.

  1. An Unswerving BIG picture. We “see” the BIGGER God story at work in us and through us. As a result, we have decided to follow Jesus (as the old hymn declares) and there is NO turning back…there is NO turning back.
  2. A Crystal-Clear Vision. We operate with a clear sense of calling from the Lord. His purposes resonate deep within us, creating kingdom-aligned direction, decisions, goals, aspirations, and more.  
  3. Choose Wholeness. We resist the temptation to live compartmentalized lives. We operate with deep alignment between our private lives and public lives. There is no divide in our leadership between Sunday and Monday; between secular and sacred.
  4. Take Him at His Word! You will need to decide if you will really trust Jesus and His word. Will you “set your minds on things above, not on earthly things”?
  5. Life Giving Rhythms. We learn to honor the God-given rhythms of engagement and rest, engagement and rest. Jesus’ invitation to come away with Him in solitude and silence was not just a nice suggestion. 
  6. Surrender it ALL!  We know theologically that “God owns it all”. Yet, our compulsions for control and the clamour for more indicate something different. We must learn to lead with open hands as we steward all that is entrusted to us.
  7. Choose Indifference! Success in God’s kingdom is defined so very differently than that of the world. We must learn to be “indifferent”; to not tie our identity, our sense of value, and wellbeing to outcomes…to “the things of this world”.
  8. Expect Opposition! Resilient leaders have learned that the world is not a “nice place”. Not everyone is interested in you and me living and leading as Jesus followers. Learn to be no longer surprised when you face opposition, pain, and suffering.
  9. Live Lightly! We learn to keep short accounts with the Lord, with one another, and with ourselves. We doggedly pursue being well relationally…” as far as it is up to me”. 
  10. Embrace The Stage! If you are in your 40’s, then be all there. If you are in your 60’s, then be all there. Learn to leverage your kingdom calling in alignment with your stage in life.  
  11. Love Really Is The Answer. Have you discovered that life begins, and ends by being identified as His beloved?  If you have, then the Greatest Commandment has truly become the greatest for you.
  12. Don’t Go It Alone! Community is often discussed but not often lived well. If you are committed to finishing well, then you will have a few faithful “traveling companions” who are also committed in their conviction to finish well. 

40 years later I am still declaring loudly… No, no, no… not me!” Will you declare the same? 

Will you declare “No” to “flying upside down” and invite Jesus to make these 12 uncommon attributes a reality as you love, live, and lead?

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