Do you know what time it is?

3 measures of time for you and your business.

It’s time! The never-ending press to “do” and get things done is steady. Driven by deeply compulsive habits, many small business owners and leaders are disintegrating their connection with God, self, family and the people touched by their business. Exhausted, they try to keep everything together, on their own. 


Do you know what time it is?

At our “Finding and Keeping Great People” lunch and learn, we invited small business owners and leaders to call a stop – a time to STOP and consider 3 words. We invited them to choose a time…a time to… 




Time for you to be…

  • Still and know that God is God. Psalm 46:10 NIV
  • Open and receive the love of the One who made you in His image. 1 John 4:19 NIV
  • A leader who is captivated by the vision, the calling of your Father for your life….to love and be loved. Matthew 22:34-40 NLT

Time for you to do…

  • What Jesus has called you to do….to remain and abide in Him, in His word and in His love. John 15:1-17 NLT
  • The work of not conforming any longer to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:1-2 MSG

Time for you to go…

  • And engage with your family, team, clients and suppliers in a way that invites them to “open up to God”. Matthew 5:13-16 MSG
  • Lead yourself and your business well, so that the love of Christ is evident ….that you are His disciple. 1 John 13:34-35 NIV
  • And bring the ease of God’s kingdom to your business leadership and culture, sales / marketing, finances and processes. Matthew 11:28-30 MSG 

As a business owner, if you know that the time is right for you to “be, do, go”, then click here.  Send us an email letting us know that you would like to connect and explore what may be possible for you and your business. Do not worry if you think that the timing is not best. For those who do, then let’s go!

Connect with us!

Perhaps you and your business are in a healthy kingdom-of-God-focused space. If so, then we celebrate with you. However, if not, as a Christ-following owner and leader, you will need to decide when you will be building a flourishing, kingdom-of-God-focused culture. For the Christ-follower the prompt is not ‘if’, but rather ‘when’. 

Is it time for you?

A Deliberate Application:

  1. Is it time for you? Agree/disagree?
  2. Take a moment and reflect on the verses for “be, do, go”.
  3. What are you sensing God ask of you?
  4. Who can you share this with as you look to “be, do, go”? 
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