The 1st “Are you?” question.

Catch it…don’t teach it!

The 1st of 4 posts on “The Deliberate Team Leader”

It’s key for every small business leader. Most forget about it…many lose sight of it, wondering what happened to it. Most are not attentive to nurturing it, keeping it alive in themselves let alone in their teams!


Most are not thinking of…Passion… the necessary, strong, compelling, deep-seated sense of purpose when they think of themselves and the businesses they lead. Most are consumed with thoughts of just getting through the day. As Henry David Thoreau reminds us… 


Are you a passionate leader? Or are you leading your business with an unsung song still inside of you? How passionate are you about the God-given privilege of being a small business leader?

Here is the real deal: Passion is caught not taught. If you are not passionate about:

  • the absolute sheer beauty of business;
  • the amazing good that can be done for others through your business;
  • the capacity to bless your team with meaningful work;
  • the privilege of serving your customers and suppliers,

then in all likelihood those around you will not be passionate either.

Reignite the passion for you and your team. Come and join us at Leadercast 2019.

Click here now and invest in your team’s passion.

Here are 3 passion-focused questions to help you assess if your passion is being caught:

  1. Can you “see” passion being experienced in your team?
  2. Can you “hear” the conversations of your team, clients, suppliers, families and friends as they describe the amazing impact they have experienced by being touched by you and your business?
  3. Can you “feel” the impact your business is having on people’s lives today and even more importantly tomorrow?

If you are not passionate about the impact that Jesus can have in you and through you and your business, then you need to reconsider what drives you.


As Jesus-followers, we are directly impacted by his passion and his profound, all- encompassing love for you. Easter offers a very sober reminder of Jesus’ passion for you and those in your business.


The secret to experiencing passion as a Christ-following leader is to be caught in the passion of the One who made you. Are you?

If you’ve caught the passion for Christ, for your life, for your business, for your team then maybe…just maybe they will catch it too.

Is your team catching your passion?

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea."

Antoine de Saint Exupéry

Stay tuned for next week’s post – Driving For Clarity!

Reignite the passion for you and your team. Come and join us at Leadercast 2019.

Click here now and invest in your team’s passion. 

A Deliberate Application:

  1. What are your reflections on the Henry David Thoreau quote?
  2. How would your team answer the 3 passion assessment questions as they reflect on you their leader?
  3. What are you sensing God ask of you regarding your passion?
  4. Who can you share this with?
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