My Hurriedness Revealed

What does God have for me in this?

The following blog is part 6 of a series on “Moving from Hurried to Purposeful” from Darren Bosch of DeliberateU.

It’s no secret.  This ongoing pandemic is starting to reveal cracks in our armour.  Understandably so.  For most, it’s uncovered idols and blindspots.  For many, it’s revealed our “hurry sickness” like never before.  What a gift we've been given!

In meetings with our Peer Groups last week, I asked many Christian leaders the question, “In one word, how are you experiencing life in the past month?” 


Now, remember, these folks are faithful Christian men and women -  intentional, and often innovative business and community leaders. Here are a few of their 1-word responses:

Rollercoaster, Manic, Scattered, Languishing

Let’s take stock of what’s actually going on.  A reality check is healthy. It helps us prevent further collateral damage.  It also lets us reflect, calibrate and then make helpful Biblical choices.  We get to choose how we lean into God’s promises and how we show up. Starting today.



Here are 3 factors why this pandemic has many on a rollercoaster, more hurried than ever.

1. Chaos is Crushing Control

Before all of this, most of us had rhythms and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) that gave us a sense of predictability and security.  Control.  Even if they weren’t ideal, we knew what to do next and how to do it.  The pandemic crisis crushed that into oblivion overnight.   

Now, even though we’re a year into this, it still feels like the only constant in our lives is change.  The constant adjustments, systems rebuilds, and even the in-between waiting create a certain “chaos” that’s beyond our control. 

On top of that, there’s how we do kids' school effectively from home… curbside pick-up of over-priced lumber from Home Depot… communion with our church online. 

As the worship song below says, “As this virus takes its toll, we were never in control”.

Sitting at the feet of Jesus: 

Father, the irony is, I never was in “control”. What a soothing invitation to “come back home to Papa”. Lord, thank you for reminding me of this again – maybe even breaking me - even if it takes a pandemic to make me uncomfortable. Have me sit at your feet King Jesus! (Luke 10).


2. We’re Often “On”

Of course, many of us were already caught in “Hurriedness” before this pandemic.  Pre-COVID there was a “known”… predictability that seems so elusive now. Now everything feels up-in-the-air.  

The unknown has forced many into a state of unresolved.  We’re in flux, having to change plans regularly.  That takes up headspace.  As a result, mental capacity drains.  It’s hard to turn yourself off or even pause and step back.  It’s plain tiring.

Show me a thoughtful, diligent business leader who is exempt from all this.  They're often staying up late considering the impact this pandemic is having on their business, projects, staff, bottom-line… never mind their family, those they disciple, the marginalized, their church community… and of course them personally.  So much to care for.  So much we’re carrying.  Our minds are nearing overload.  And, when your mind is always “On”, you’re always “On”.  

On top of that, there’s doing life from home.  Working from home has disrupted boundaries.  Home is now our kids’ school, our office, family refuge, date night space, weekend getaway, etc.  The ability to work from anywhere at any time leaves many “On” too often.

Sitting at the feet of Jesus: 

Jesus, despite what I’m feeling… I surrender it all over to you God.  Help me rest in the unresolved because you've got it.  I don’t.  I never did. 

Oddly enough, thank you God for giving me this pandemic to remind me.  I choose Romans 12:12 today. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”


3. Hurry is a Habit

Habits are choices we make that develop a rhythm – a “trellis” – for the vine to bear fruit.  We don’t want to admit it, but the reality is, hurriedness is a choice we make and every habit grows roots.

Understandably, this pandemic has caused much angst and even some suffering. But circumstances don’t make or break us, they only reveal us.  


I’m encouraged with a Biblical reality check from Brigette VanHuisstede. Brigette is a committed Christ-follower and one who’s experienced and endured suffering.  In an inspiring Biblical response, she shifts our mindset to the word “Lavish”. READ ABOUT IT HERE.  It will make your week!

Deliberate Application:

  1. What are you sensing God “doesn’t want you to miss” as you lead yourself, family and business through this pandemic?


Wake Up! Worship Song | “We were never in control”

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