Sacred Summer Part 2

The Sacred Muskoka Chair

The following blog is the 2nd in a series on “Sacred Summer” from Matthew Eckert.

What do you believe is sacred? Do your religious traditions own the rights to declaring what is sacred and what is not? What would it look like for you to declare some space sacred for the sake of your spiritual growth?


In the last blog post, we pondered the reality of summer and the new rhythms that we should consider embracing. Not to be tied to what works the rest of the year but to enter into the reality in front of us, a different season, a good season, the summer season.

For years I have chosen to declare certain spaces sacred for myself that have allowed me to engage with God in meaningful ways. Throughout much of the year, when I am at home in my regular work routines, I have declared the kitchen table my sacred space each morning. My coffee poured, my journal and bible in front of me, and I meet with God; it is my sacred space.

For the summer months, things are different, but I don’t want to lose this special time. When we have had the opportunity to get away, I have chosen to immediately, upon arrival, declare some space sacred, my sacred space. Simply declaring this upfront allows me to be present, to know that this will be sacred and that I will be in a mindset ready to hear as God chooses to speak.


So what has this looked like you may ask?

At a cottage we frequent, this has been a pontoon boat that I take out early in the morning. I set the speed low and slowly make my way around the lake. Time to reflect and pray - sacred.

This has been a hotel lobby. At 6 am, before the family is going strong, I find a table in the corner, declare it sacred for the time we are there, and meet with God.

On a riverboat cruise, it was the front of the boat on a bench looking out over the river - sacred.

At home during the summer, it is the path around the stormwater pond near our house. There is a section of large rocks that create an erosion barrier where I can sit and read and write - sacred.


The summer provides these unique opportunities that the rest of the year does not, but you need to choose them. In fact, these new sacred spaces may be just what you need to ensure that you launch into the fall with a renewed focus and energy.

I’m not sure what this might be for you, but I’m certain that you can find just the right place this summer that will be sacred just for you. And God will meet you there.

Deliberate Next Steps

  1. Look around your space while at home this summer - what can you declare sacred for the sake of your spiritual growth?
  2. Do you have a trip planned? Are you heading once again to your “summer space?” What space will you choose that will be sacred for you for that time?

Sacred summer. Sacred space. The choice is yours.

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