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Personal growth archives

"Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat or drought comes... and never fails to bear fruit." - Jeremiah 17

Category: Growth & Transformation

July 17, 2020 Tired of the Same Ol'? 7 Growth Keys as you Recalibrate this Summer

Experiencing God @work

The following blog is from Darren Bosch of DeliberateU. I smiled as I hung up the phone.  I had just wrapped up a weekly coaching call with a business owner and his sales team. The call resulted in a number of clear actions for the team, reflecting a profound shift that had occurred within that bus...

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April 24, 2020 How Clear Is Your Stream? Time To Unclog!


Enjoy a revamped blog post from our DeliberateU archives. “When your outflow exceeds your inflow, your upkeep will be your downfall”. I’ve heard these words often from my good friend and fellow Navigator, Irv Augustine. It’s true!! I see it in me. I see it daily in the lives of the leaders we serve....

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August 21, 2019 Do you own it? One thing Christ-following small business leaders don't do!


Enjoy this post from our archives. We had just finished a partners' meeting about our recent invitation to small business owners regarding our next Master'sMind Accelerator Peer Group. Part of our discussion was focused on these two questions: “What are the main things business owners do that keep t...

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November 15, 2018 Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry 10 Questions To Help Increase Ease And Decrease Wear And Tear In Your Life

Growth & Transformation

“How many hours do you have in your week?” That was the question I asked a client and their team last week while guiding the discussion. The audience wrestled with the question… “Do you mean how many hours am I working?” “What about commute time?” “Are you including sleep?” “Are you meaning at the o...

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