Tools and helpful resources for small business owners

Personal growth archives

"Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat or drought comes... and never fails to bear fruit." - Jeremiah 17

Category: Leadership Tips

July 06, 2017 I Don’t Have A Problem With Pride! Check Out These 6 Symptoms


“I don't have a problem with pride!” How often have these words been stated?  How easy it is to be seduced into that serious pile of “stinkin-thinkin”. This comment causes me to pause and think about my own leadership journey. What would you say if you were asked, “Do you ever have a problem wit...

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June 22, 2017 Tired Of Too Many Choices? 12 Verses To Help Reduce The Volume!


“This is getting far too complicated. Where do I start? So many choices!” I was in a local pharmacy, looking to pickup some toothpaste and razor blades. In front of me were shelves… many shelves! Row after row of product, all making claims that my life will be so much better if I purchase their ...

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June 08, 2017 A Wake Up Call! 7 Sobering Questions!


I hesitate showing you these statistics. They are so very sobering. They tell the real story of leaders like you and me in the market place…..of leaders who are pastors and vocational Christian workers. These numbers tell the story of men and women who long to “do good” and yet find themselves trapp...

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May 31, 2017 What’s Your Agenda? 9 Questions You Can Ask To Help Stay Honest!

Caring for People

So what’s your agenda?” asked this leader. We were engaged in a very focused conversation regarding our work with him and the other leaders in the company. His “spidey senses” were tingling as he felt the pressure to learn, grow and become a more competent leader. His suspicion of a “religious agend...

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