Tools and helpful resources for small business owners

Personal growth archives

"Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat or drought comes... and never fails to bear fruit." - Jeremiah 17

Category: Leadership Tips

May 31, 2018 Do you have “bad breath”? 1 thing to grow your leadership self-awareness

Caring for People

This is the 4th in our 8-part series on being transformed as a small business leader. Unaware! That was my summary as I sat across from this leader. They were woefully unaware of their blind spots - unaware of the negative impact on others around them. He was unaware of how his self-righteousness ha...

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August 24, 2017 Rough Road Ahead! A Kingdom Reminder As You Make Tough Decisions

Calm in the Storm

This must be so very difficult for you!” His face revealed the very real weight he was feeling in that moment. No question about it, this was a significantly challenging decision. The implications were many. The impact would be felt in multiple areas of this leader’s world, both at work and home. Ye...

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August 05, 2017 Another “Nice” Trap! 6 Questions To Check Your Credibility


I saw the look in their eyes.  Nice words flowed from their leader’s mouth. Yet, I knew that the team had moved past being hopeful that something good could happen. They had moved to a space of frustration and, in some cases, cynicism. You could see it in their eyes…..thoughts like: “Been there, hea...

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July 27, 2017 The “One Thing”! Business Leader - 6 Clarity Questions On Your One Thing!

Experiencing God @work

This past Monday was a great day. Randy and I stood in the parking lot reflecting on the work done that day.  Along with two of his key leaders, Rick and Bill, we had just finished interviewing 6 executive assistant /office administrator candidates for his company, AKS Interior Systems. The highligh...

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