Tools and helpful resources for small business owners

Personal growth archives

"Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat or drought comes... and never fails to bear fruit." - Jeremiah 17

Category: Leadership Tips

August 21, 2019 Do you own it? One thing Christ-following small business leaders don't do!


Enjoy this post from our archives. We had just finished a partners' meeting about our recent invitation to small business owners regarding our next Master'sMind Accelerator Peer Group. Part of our discussion was focused on these two questions: “What are the main things business owners do that keep t...

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May 01, 2019 The 2nd "Are you" question Get rid of for this!

Leadership Tips

Enjoy this 2nd post of 4 on “The Deliberate Team Leader" If you are a deliberate team leader you will have felt the inevitable frustration of being clear - CRYSTAL CLEAR.  Most leaders think they are quite clear in their instruction and conversation. That’s likely not what their teams would say. Mor...

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April 24, 2019 The 1st "Are you?" question. Catch it...don't teach it!

Leadership Tips

The 1st of 4 posts on “The Deliberate Team Leader” It’s key for every small business leader. Most forget about it…many lose sight of it, wondering what happened to it. Most are not attentive to nurturing it, keeping it alive in themselves let alone in their teams! Most are not thinking of…Passion… t...

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September 26, 2018 So You Need More Sales And SOON! 7 Strategies To Help Boost Your Revenue.

Growth & Transformation

Here is a helpful post from our archives. Many years ago I received some BRUTAL news. One of my main clients had just undergone a financial review. The solid financial footing they had thought they were on…. was gone! All spending was halted. Only business crucial to core survival was continued. My ...

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