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"Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat or drought comes... and never fails to bear fruit." - Jeremiah 17

Category: Leadership Tips

July 16, 2021 Need a Vacation to Refuel this Summer? How to keep our tanks full year-round


The following blog is from Darren Bosch. Let me guess, do you long for a vacation to de-stress and refuel this summer? Running low on steam from nearly 16 months of “this thing”? I get it.  But, as challenging as this may sound, time off this summer may not be the elixir for refueling. Let me expla...

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July 17, 2020 Tired of the Same Ol'? 7 Growth Keys as you Recalibrate this Summer

Experiencing God @work

The following blog is from Darren Bosch of DeliberateU. I smiled as I hung up the phone.  I had just wrapped up a weekly coaching call with a business owner and his sales team. The call resulted in a number of clear actions for the team, reflecting a profound shift that had occurred within that bus...

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December 04, 2019 Where Do You Go? A Reminder for the Leader Who’s in the Press


“Pete, do you have a few minutes?” I could hear the sense of press in his voice. As this business owner expressed the reality of a business situation that seemed to be going south, the emotional weight of the press was clear in the midst of our conversation. The irony was that I was there, right t...

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November 20, 2019 Jesus Was Not A Nice Man! 3 Questions You Can Ask to Stop Being a “Nice” Leader!

Experiencing God @work

Check out a blog post from the DeliberateU Archives.Jesus was not a nice man!” Nancy, a good friend, and leadership colleague said as she responded to a question about being a leader in the workplace. She was responding to a question about how to be nice as a Christ-follower. The premise for the que...

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